During the 2014-2015 Fall semester (and the first few weeks of second semester) we invite you to join us for a series that will discuss some of the big questions of faith and life, direct you to the Bible as God's Word, and demonstrate that Christianity is a reasonable faith. We meet every Thursday night at 6:00 PM in the Campus Center (click here for schedule and room location). Purchase your own study guide here — paperback ($9.05) and Kindle ($6.99).
Isn't the Bible a Myth? Hasn't Science Disproved Christianity?
SESSION 2 How Can You Say There is Only One Way to God? What About Other Religions?
SESSION 3 What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life? Why Are There So Many Rules?
SESSION 4 Why Does God Allow Suffering? Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?
SESSION 5 Why Is the Church Responsible for So Much Injustice? Why Are Christians Such Hypocrites?
SESSION 6 How Can God Be Full of Love and Wrath at the Same Time? How Can God Send Good People to Hell?